version of this website received financial support
(Canadian International Development Agency)
through the
Tree Link Project.
provided support to acquire the necessary
equipment and software.
Forestry Faculty supported the Internet
services till 2002.
Unit, FRIM supported the website hosting
services till 2015. |
54: December 2024
Message from the Chairman:
would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone
for your active involvement and valuable contribution
over the year. The Tenth APAFRI General Assembly was
convened successfully on 27 August 2024. National
Institute of Forest Science (NIFoS), Korea is honoured
to be elected as the new Chair of APAFRI for the term
of 2024-2027. Representing my organisation, I must
thank the members for giving your trust and support
to NIFoS in taking the important role.
gratitude also goes to the past Executive Committee
members for their excellent services over the past
three years. There are four new programs introduced
including APAFRI Online Courses, Online Knowledge
Sharing Workshop, APAFRI Scientific Attachment Program
and APAFRI Scientific Research Fund. These programs
are in line with the functions of APAFRI in capacity
building and information sharing. I strongly urge
the members to participate actively in these programs.
more.. |
53: June 2024
Message from the Chairman:
we enter the second half of 2024, the term of the
2021-2024 APAFRI Executive Committee is nearing its
end. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude
to the Committee for their invaluable contribution
and unwavering support, which have greatly contributed
to the success of our organisation.
10th APAFRI General Assembly (GA) will be held on
27-28 August 2024 in Malaysia. This important event
allows us to review our activities and devise the
future plans. The new Executive Committee will be
elected to guide our organisation for the next three
years. I strongly urge that all members to send your
representative to the GA.
more.. |
52: December 2023
Message from the Chairman:
hope this message finds you in good health and well
wherever you may be. During the latter half of this
year, APAFRI successfully organised five physical
events with the collaboration from our close partners.
The events were very relevant to our objective in
exchange of knowledge and strengthening the connections
among our members. I hope that these collaborative
efforts will be continued to conduct more events in
the future.
first APAFRI Scientific Attachment Program was implemented
successfully on 3-7 July 2023. I express my gratitude
to Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) for hosting
the program.
more.. |
51: June 2023
Message from the Chairman:
hope you are healthy and doing well wherever you are.
It has been a busy first half year in APAFRI. I’m
glad to see that the APAFRI’s programs are back to
full swing this year. Throughout this period, we successfully
organised a total of three physical events and three
online programs.
1st and 2nd Workshop of Asian Urban Forests Network
(AUFN) for People & Environment was conducted
successfully on 10-12 January and 28-29 June 2023.
The establishment of AUFN led by the National Institute
of Forest Science Korea (NIFoS) is a timely and commendable
initiative. The workshops brought together all the
researchers from this region so that knowledge and
experience could be shared in realising the potential
of urban forests against the challenges caused by
climate change.
50: December 2022
Message from the Chairman:
year 2022 is nearing the end, and by the time this
newsletter reaches you we would be right into the
first quarter of 2023. First
of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude
for your continuous participation and support to our
organisation. We could not complete the planned activities
fruitfully without it.
would like to highlight here about the ‘International
Symposium on Restoration of Degraded Peatlands: Connecting
Science with Policy and Practice’; the major event
that APAFRI had contributed in 2022. The symposium
was held on 13 June 2022 in collaboration with the
National Institute of Forest Science (NIFoS) and CIFOR-ICRAF.
The hybrid event was attended physically and online
by about 150 participants. The invited speakers shared
the recent findings and lessons learnt from collaborative
research and work on peatland restoration for food,
energy and environmental conservation in Indonesia’s
Central Kalimantan and South Sumatra provinces.
49: June 2022
Message from the Chairman:
glad to see that the COVID-19 pandemic is under control
in most of the countries after struggling for more
than two years. It was a very challenging period for
all of us. Once again the resilience of mankind enables
us to come out on top of this tough times. But we
must learn humbly from the lessons that Mother Nature
presented to us.
The Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the APAFRI Executive Committee
(EC) was conducted virtually on 15 February 2022.
It was the first meeting of the newly elected Executive
Committee for 2021-2024. The EC members agreed to
implement two new programs namely Scientific Attachment
Program and Online Course for technical skills development
of the scientists among member institutions. The EC
members also exchange views and suggestions in broadening
the collaborations with other international organisations
more.. |
48: December 2021
Message from the Chairman:
has been a challenging year for our association and
everyone in generally. Nonetheless, with your continuous
cooperation and commitment, we managed to complete
most of the APAFRI activities as planned. I would
like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for
your active involvement and valuable contribution
over the year.
The most significant APAFRI’s event of this year,
namely the Ninth APAFRI General Assembly, was convened
successfully on 7 December 2021. I wish to express
my heartfelt gratitude to the members present for
reelecting me as the Chairman of APAFRI Executive
Committee for another term. It is an indication of
confidence of the members given to the capability
of Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) and me.
My gratitude also goes to the past Executive Committee
members for their excellent service and cooperation
over the past three years.
more.. |
47: June 2021
Message from the Chairman:
would like to introduce myself as the new Director
General of Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM)
replacing Dr. Khali Aziz Hamzah who has retired on
29 April 2021. It is a great honour for me to be involved
as the Chairman of APAFRI.
The COVID-19 pandemic is still on-going. The emergence
of new variants especially the infectious Delta has
interrupted the recovery plan in most of the countries.
It is sad to see how bad the situation unfolds and
number of fatalities recorded daily worldwide. Nonetheless,
the positive impact from vaccination has brought us
new hope in addressing the threat of this virus and
enabling us to live with this virus. We must learn
and adapt quickly to the new norms.
46: December 2020
Message from the Chairman:
am writing this message as the newly appointed Director
General of Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM)
since 1st September 2020. FRIM has been elected as
the Chairman of APAFRI for 2018-2021 under the excellent
leadership of Dato’ Dr Abd Latif Mohmod who had officially
retired by the end of August 2020. I am honoured to
be part of the Executive Committee Members in contributing
to the development of APAFRI.
the year 2020 is coming to the end, the COVID-19 pandemic
has still not shown sign of better recovery. Despite
the successful in flattening of the infection curve
in June, Malaysia is experiencing continuous increase
in COVID-19 cases since October which led to the implementation
of stricter movement control order (MCO) again. The
Secretariat operation is also subjected to the restriction
as the work from home order has been applied to reduce
the number of people working in offices and factories.
45: June 2020
Message from the Chairman:
The year 2020 surprised us with the disastrous impacts
of the COVID-19 pandemic. From the first few cases
reported in China in early December 2019 the new coronavirus
has since then been reported in many countries. Like
many organisations, the APAFRI Secretariat has also
been affected by this wide spread disaster and had
to cancel two events in February and March. These
were activities supported by the 2019 Contributions
from the Korean National Institute of Forest Sciences
(NIFoS). The Workshop on Plant Tissue Culture Techniques
was scheduled to be organized from 25--28 February
2020 in Suwon, Korea. Eight participants from APAFRI
member institutions had already been selected and
the Secretariat had started the logistic arrangements.
However, with the increasing numbers of Covid-19 cases
in a number of countries during that time, APAFRI
and NIFoS had agreed to postpone the workshop.
more.. |
44: December 2019
Message from the Chairman:
As 2020 coming to a close, allow me to take this opportunity
to reflect the events and activities that APAFRI had
been involved during the year. The year 2019 had been
an exciting year for APAFRI. The Third Asia Pacific
Forestry Sector Outlook Study (APFSOS III) was successfully
completed. This is a major project for the Asia Pacific
region which APAFRI has undertaken with a grant under
a Letter of Agreement with the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Asia Pacific
Regional Office in Bangkok. APAFRI was honoured to
be involved in also the two previous Asia Pacific
Forestry Sector Outlook Studies, the first Asia-Pacific
Forestry Sector Outlook Study (APFSOS I) in 1998 and
the APFSOS II in 2010. The final report of the APFSOS
III, with the primary objective of providing a better
understanding and projection on the challenges and
opportunities of forestry in the coming decade, was
launched at a side event during the Forth Asia Pacific
Forestry Week, 17–21 June 2019, in Incheon Korea.
more.. |
43: June 2019
Message from the Chairman:
the past several months, APAFRI has been busy organizing
not less than three meetings/discussions at different
locations to finalize the Asia-Pacific Forest Sector
Outlook Study (APFSOS III). The Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) Asia-Pacific Office in Bangkok
has engaged APAFRI via two agreements to conduct the
study over 18 months. Many individuals and institutions
in various forestry fields, as well as regional and
international partners, had contributed their assessments
of the forestry scenarios for the Asia and Pacific
region. APAFRI is honoured to be associated again,
with this colossal task of charting the regional forestry
and forestry-related activities till the end of next
decade. APAFRI has involved extensively in the two
previous Outlook Studies too. The final report of
APFSOS III was launched during the Asia-Pacific Forestry
Week 2019 in Incheon, Republic of Korea just last
more.. |
42: December 2018
Message from the Chairman:
I am honoured and
delighted to be back as the newly elected Chairman
of the Asia Pacific Association of Forestry Research
Institutions (APAFRI)! Allow me to take this opportunity
to express my most sincere thanks and gratitude to
all members present at this year’s Eighth General
Assembly, which had elected me as Chairman of APAFRI
Executive Committee for the third time. I was informed
that I am the first person to serve as Chairman of
APAFRI three times and that is also a record in Malaysia
that a Malaysian had been elected to head a regional
organization three times. I believe this is yet another
testament to the confidence of the members in entrusting
me to guide the Association, and also to the capability
of the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM)
to continue hosting the Secretariat.
41: June 2018
Message from the Chairman:
This is the last
year for the current executive committee members which
were elected on 20 September 2015 in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. The Eighth APAFRI General Assembly will
be convened on November 2018 also in Kuala Lumpur.
This issue of the APAFRI Newsletter had included some
information on the General Assembly and relevant documents.
Since there is no suitable proposal on any event to
be tagged in, the General Assembly will be held as
a one day event including a short study tour arranged
by the Secretariat. The announcement will be sent
out to all members. I strongly urge all members to
send representative to attend this coming meeting
as the election of the new Executive Committee is
very important to guide this association for the next
three years.
more.. |
40: December 2017
Message from the Chairman:
How time flies, without
realizing it I have already served as Chairman of
APAFRI Executive Committee for more than two years
since the last general Assembly held in 2015. The
APAFRI Secretariat would soon preparing for the next
General Assembly due in 2018, during which a new Chair
would need to be elected.
As we are gearing
up to the challenges in the new year, allow me to
reflect on what APAFRI has achieved in the past year
of 2017. Besides those already reported in the June
issue of the Newsletter, APAFRI has involved itself
in about half-a-dozen or so activities during the
second half of 2017. The Asia Pacific Forestry commission
has its 27th Session Meeting this year in Colombo.
APAFRI, under an agreement with FAO, supported three
partners’ events: TEAKNET, Forest Invasive Species
and Outlook Study III, during the week in October.
more.. |
39 : June 2017
Message from the Chairman:
In March, APAFRI organized
a week-long event for the Asia Pacific Forest Genetic
Resources Programme (APFORGEN). The event, supported
by an allocation from the annual contributions of
National Institute of Forestry Science (NIFoS) to
APAFRI, included a workshop to discuss the contribution
of biodiversity to Forest Landscape Restoration in
the Asia Pacific region, a regional briefing of the
FAO Global Plan of Action for Forest Genetic Resources,
and also a meeting of the national coordinators for
the participating countries of APFORGEN.
This year, the APAFRI
Secretariat has again assisted FAO in organizing the
Executive Forest Policy Course. The tenth in the series,
the course this year was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Twenty-four forestry professionals from various governmental
and non-governmental organizations of the Asia Pacific
region participated in this 10-day course in May.
Thus far APAFRI has been involved in organizing five
out of these ten training courses held in various
countries in the region, from Fiji in the Pacific
to Bhutan in the north of the Indian Subcontinent.
more.. |
38 : December 2016
Message from the Chairman:
The year 2016 has
come to a close, it is time that I should reflect
on what APAFRI has achieved in 2016.
Working with various
constraints, as usual APAFRI has been very active,
involving in several activities in the Asia Pacific
region during the year. Besides those already reported
in the June issue of the Newsletter, APAFRI has involved
itself in about half-a-dozen or so activities during
the second half of 2016.
A major event
during that period was the IUFRO Regional Congress
for Asia and Oceania 2016, organized by the Chinese
Academy of Forestry in Beijing, China. APAFRI has
contributed as a Bronze Sponsor to the event, and
had set up an exhibition booth during the weeklong
event. Besides participating in several of the side
events, APAFRI also held its 21st Executive Committee
Meeting during that week. This is the first meeting
for the present Executive Committee elected in 2015.
37 : June 2016
Message from the Chairman:
How time flies, without
realizing it we are already half way through 2016.
For the past six months, APAFRI has been very active,
involving in several activities in the Asia Pacific
region. APAFRI has co-organized two side events during
the 26th Asia Pacific Forestry Commission Meeting/3rd
Asia Pacific Forestry Week in Clark, the Philippines,
22–26 February 2016. APAFRI also put up an exhibition
to show case APAFRI activities and achievements, displaying
publications and posters.
more.. |
36 : December 2015
Message from the Chairman:
First and foremost, I
would like to take this opportunity to express my
most sincere thanks and gratitude to all members present
at this year’s Seventh General Assembly. I am most
honoured to be elected as Chairman of APAFRI Executive
Committee for the next three years. Allow me also
to congratulate and welcome all the members of the
new APAFRI Executive Committee 2015-2018: the Vice-chairman
Dr Bambang Tri Hartono of Forestry and Environment
Research Development and Innovation Agency (FORDA),
and members Dr Iwao Noda of Japan International Research
Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), Prof. Dr
Mohamed Zakaria Hussin of University Putra Malaysia,
Mr Semi Dranibaka of Fiji Forest Department, Dr B
N Mohanty of Indian Plywood Industries Research and
Training Institute, Mr Chen Yen-Chang of Taiwan Forestry
Research Institute (TFRI) and Dr Zhao Wenxia of Research
Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection
more... |
35 : June 2015
Message from the Chairman:
Six months had passed
since the last issues of APAFRI Newsletter! In the
last issue, I had mentioned that this year is the
20th year of APAFRI since its inauguration during
the Meeting of the Heads of Forestry Research in the
Asia Pacific held in Bogor, Indonesia, 20–28 February
1995.This year is also the year that APAFRI would
need to convene its once-in-three-year All-members
General Assembly. The last General Assembly, the sixth
since its inauguration, was convened in Guangzhou
on 31 August 2012. The next one, the seventh, should
be held around August/September 2015. Some information
on the General Assembly and relevant documents were
included in the last issue of the APAFRI Newsletter.
The article also invited member institutions to express
intention to host this event.
more... |
34 : December 2014
Message from the Chairman:
It just occurred to me
that APAFRI would be 20 years old come February 2015.
APAFRI was inaugurated during the Meeting of the Heads
of Forestry Research in the Asia Pacific held in Bogor,
Indonesia, 20–28 February 1995.The Secretariat, initially
hosted by FAO Regional Office in Bangkok, shifted
to University Putra Malaysia in Serdang, Malaysia,
in 1997 .It was relocated again to the Forest Research
Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Kepong, in July 2001, and
remains here till now. FRIM Management has been very
generous. Besides providing adequately comfortable
office space with Internet facilities totally free
to the Secretariat; FRIM also loaned one of its senior
researchers with an administration assistant on a
full-time basis to manage the operations of the Secretariat.
more.. |
33 : June 2014
Message from the Chairman:
Without realizing it,
it is already well past half of the term of the present
Executive Committee elected at the Sixth General Assembly,
held in Guangzhou on 31 August 2012. For a small regional
association with limited resources, it is always a
big challenge to have Executive Committee meetings
as regularly as desired. The diverse specializations
and official portfolios of the members had further
compounded the challenge. The present Executive Committee
has therefore not able to have any meeting after the
members were elected in 2012. However, the Secretariat
has been sending out monthly reports promptly every
month to all the Executive Committee members.
more... |
32 : December 2013
Message from the Chairman:
The year 2013 has past
so fast and by the time this issue of APAFRI Newsletter
reaches you, we are already in January 2014.December
is always a hectic month for APAFRI. While most
people are already in their festive mood, clearing
up their annual leaves, and preparing for the holidays;
APAFRI Secretariat staff needs, however, to finalize
the various accounts and project reports, besides
the usual tasks of monthly reporting, annual account
closing, and preparing the December issue of the
Newsletter.This year we have the additional task
of closing the project on Forest Transition. Funded
by the Asia-Pacific Network on Sustainable Forest
Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet), the project
was approved in October 2011, and launched officially
with a meeting in Beijing, during the Asia-Pacific
Forest Commission 24th Session in November 2011.
31 : June 2013
Message from the Chairman:
After a
rather hectic 2012, this year has started with a
much slower pace. However, APAFRI still has a fair
share of forestry related happenings in the region.The
first major event of this year was the workshop
on forest transition which was hosted by Bogor Agricultural
University (IPB) in Kuningan, Indonesia in February.
The workshop has gathered the focal persons from
the nine participating countries, China, India,
Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines
and Vietnam, to share their progress and experiences
in implementing the project funded by the Asia-Pacific
Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation
30 : December 2012
Message from the Chairman:
Greetings from Kepong, Malaysia! First and foremost,
allow me to take this opportunity to express my
most sincere thanks and gratitude to all members
present at this year’s Sixth General Assembly, for
electing me as Chairman of APAFRI Executive Committee
for a second term. I am honoured to be re-elected.
I believe this is yet another testament to the strong
support given to FRIM by the Association members
throughout these years. After convening in Kuala
Lumpur twice, in 2006 and 2009, this Sixth General
Assembly was hosted by the Research Institute of
Tropical Forestry (RITF) in Guangzhou, China. We
are indebted to Dr Xu Daping, the Director of RITF,
and his capable staff under the leadership of Dr
Li Mei, for assisting in organizing the Eighteenth
APAFRI Executive Committee meeting in the morning,
and the Sixth General Assembly in the afternoon,
31 August 2012.
29 : June 2012
Message from the Chairman:
Greetings from Kuala Lumpur! This year, 2012, is
another milestone year for APAFRI. Once in three
years, APAFRI must have its all-members General
Assembly. As the last General Assembly was held
in Kuala Lumpur in 2009, the next one, the sixth
since its establishment in 1995, must be convened
this year. The APAFRI Secretariat had, since mid
last year, started to scout around for a willing
member institution to host this coming General Assembly.
Traditionally, the General Assembly would be held
in association with a major regional event to attract
the attendance of representatives from member institutions.
As Kuala Lumpur has been the venue for the past
two General Assemblies, the Secretariat would like
to hold the next General Assembly in another Asian
28 : December 2011
Message from the Chairman:
As the year coming to its end, allow me to reflect
on the more significant events that APAFRI has involved
in the year 2011. APAFRI has signed a Memorandum of
Understanding with the Korea Forest Research Institute
(KFRI), Seoul, in August. The commitments detailed
under this MOU include carrying out specified projects
of mutual interest and publish results of joint projects.
KFRI will provide appropriate financial support to
fulfill such commitments. APAFRI has committed the
initial contribution to organize an international
symposium on forest rehabilitation in Kuala Lumpur
next year.
more... |
27 : June 2011
Message from the Chairman:
The first half of the first year in the second decade
of the new millennium had been shaken by many disasters
in the region. The east coast of Honshu Island, Japan,
was struck by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake on 11 March.
It was the most powerful known earthquake to have
hit Japan, and one of the five most powerful earthquakes
in the world overall since modern record-keeping began
in 1900. This most devastating earthquake in a hundred
years had triggered a deadly tsunami and causing widespread
destruction and fatalities. The nearby Fukushima Nuclear
Power Plant was badly affected and the nuclear power
generator units experienced meltdown which led to
life-threatening nuclear radiation leakage. There
were a few other earthquakes such as the ones in New
Zealand and Myanmar. On top of these the region was
also hit by severe typhoons causing huge damages to
countries like China, Vietnam and the Philippines.
26 : Dec 2010
Message from the Chairman:
I am proud to announce that APAFRI had gone through
another year with numerous sparkling achievements
in 2010. Among the highlights are its highly prominent
presence during the IUFRO World Congress 2010 in Seoul;
successful completion of the ITTO Project on forest
genetic resources; training workshop in Coimbatore,
India; and the Asia Pacific Symposium on Vulnerability
Assessments in Manila, the Philippines.APAFRI has
been very active in IUFRO, and has participated in
all World Congresses since APAFRI’s establishment
in 1995: Kuala Lumpur 2000, Brisbane 2005, and again
in Seoul 2010.
25 : June 2010
Message from the Chairman:
The year 2010 is a rather significant year for many
reasons. First and foremost, the United Nations proclaimed
2010 to be the International Year of Biodiversity,
and people all over the world are working to safeguard
this irreplaceable natural wealth and reduce biodiversity
loss. APAFRI, although not directly involved in these
global activities, has nevertheless, contributed to
some of the regional activities of relevance. APAFRI’s
involvement as a partner in an ITTO funded project
on forest genetic resources was further strengthened
with the project granted another extension. Two major
activities are being planned: a training workshop
to be hosted by the Institute of Forest Genetics and
Tree Breeding in Coimbatore, India; and a side-event
and display at the XXIII IUFRO World Congress in August
this year.
24 : Dec 2009
Message from the Chairman:
I am writing this message as the newly elected Chairman
of APAFRI Executive Committee 2009-2012. My sincere
thanks to all the members, who were present at the
Fifth General Assembly convened on 4 October 2009
in Kuala Lumpur, for electing me to the post. This
is going to be a very challenging task for me for
the next three years, especially in view of the
fact that I just assumed the position of Director
General of Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM)
18 months earlier. My two immediate predecessors
– Dr Abdul Razak Mohd Ali, former Director
General of FRIM; and Mr Sarath Fernando, Conservator
General of Forests, Sri Lanka – have made
the task of even sustaining APAFRI more challenging
than ever, as APAFRI had experienced tremendous
growth during their terms as Chairman of the APAFRI
Executive Committee over the past nine years.
23 : June 2009
Message from the Chairman:
Without realizing it, the current Executive Committee,
which I was elected to chair on 31 July 2006, is coming
to the end of its three-year term. The next General
Assembly, the fifth since APAFRI’s establishment
in 1995, will need to be convened this year, to elect
the Executive Committee to administer APAFRI for the
next three years. The Secretariat has started the
process, since mid last year, to organize this once-in-three-year
event. In order to attract better attendance to reach
the required quorum, the General Assembly is typically
held together with an international or regional event.
22 : December 2008
Message from the Chairman:
The year 2008 must be one of the most eventful years
for the Asia-Pacific region. A growing number of natural
disasters had caused huge damages to the region. Some
of these were deadly devastating, such as the Nargis
cyclone which hit Myanmar in early May; and the severe
earthquakes of Sichuan Province, China. There were
also a number of human-induced ones like the bombings
in Mumbai, India; and the political unrests in countries
such as China, the Philippines and Thailand. The later
was so serious that the International Airport of Bangkok
was seized by the demonstrators and shut down completely
for several days, disrupting many activities in the
region, including one workshop organized by APAFRI.
21 : June 2008
Message from the Chairman:
Greetings from Colombo! The Asia Pacific Forestry
Week in April must be, by far, one of the biggest
forestry events, if not the biggest, organized by
FAO in this region. The week-long event, in conjunction
with the Asia Pacifi c Forestry Commission session
meeting, was attended by more than 500 registered
participants from all APFC member countries and most
of the regional, and many international, organizations
related to forestry. APAFRI assisted FAO in the overall
organizing of the weeklong event, handled the on-line
registration which started a few months earlier, and
also in compiling and producing a CD for this event.
No. 20 : December 2007
Message from the Chairman:
Greetings from Colombo! The year 2007 is coming to
an end, and by the time this issue of the APAFRI Newsletter
reaches you we would be right into the first quarter
of 2008.The year 2007 had been a pretty good year
for most of the countries in the region. In many of
the countries’ the economy made a rapid recovery
and continued to grow steadily throughout the year.
19 : June 2007
Message from the Chairman:
Greetings from Colombo, SriLanka!How
time flies! It is almost a year now since the last
General Assembly that has elected me as the Chairman
of the Executive Committee of APAFRI. In this message,
my second, as the Chairman I am delighted to highlight
some APAFRI’s activities and events during
the past six months; as wellas those that have been
planned for the remaining months of 2007.
18 : December 2006
Message from the Chairman:
Greetings from Colombo, SriLanka! First
of all, allow me to thank all the members who were
present atthe Fourth General Assembly that was convened
on 31 July in Kuala Lumpur, for electing me to be
the Chairman of the APAFRI Executive Committee. This
is going to be a very challenging task for me for
the next three years. My immediate predecessor, Dr
Abdul Razak Mohd Ali,has made the task of even sustaining
APAFRI more challenging than ever, as APAFRI had experienced
tremendous growth during his two terms as Chairman
of the APAFRI Executive Committee.
17 : June 2006
Message from the Chairman:
A major task and the top priority of
the Secretariat this year is the organizing of the
Fourth General Assembly, due once in three years.
The last General Assembly was convened in Manila on
23 October 2003, so the next one is due this year.
A call for proposals from member institutions to host
the Fourth APAFRI General Assembly in 2006 had been
posted on the APAFRI web site early this year.
more... |
16 : December 2005
Message from the Chairman:
The year 2005 has been yet another
milestone year in the short 10-year history of APAFRI.
There were many significant events during the year.
The events during the first six months of this year
had already been reported in the June Issue of APAFRI
Brief, I would therefore like to briefly highlight
those others which APAFRI has involved in during the
rest of 2005 in this year-end message.
more... |
15 : June 2005
Message from the Chairman:
These past six months have been rather
hectic for APAFRI. In February, APAFRI, with financial
support from the USDA Forest Service, organized a
workshop on coconut beetles together with FAO and
Nong Lam University in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
This workshop was an activity of the Asia Pacific
Forest Invasive Species Network (APFISN), and was
its second workshop since its launching during the
Twentieth Session of Asia Pacific Forest Commission
in Fiji last April.
more... |
14 : December 2004
Message from the Chairman:
How time flies. Another year has slipped
by and gone. After the rather hectic 2003, this year
is comparatively uneventful. Other than involving
in about half-a-dozen meetings and workshops, the
Secretariat was busy tidying up the administrative
details following the election of the new Executive
Committee during the General Assembly in Manila, last
more... |
13 : June 2004
Message from the Chairman:
Greetings to all our colleagues in
the Asia Pacific region! Once again I take this privilege
to pen a few words for the foreword of this edition
of our newsletter. Over these last six months or so,
I am proud to report that APAFRI has been keeping
itself very busy through its various activities. At
the recently concluded 20th Asia Pacific Forestry
Commission Meeting in Fiji, APAFRI had an opportunity
to play a crucial role.
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12 : December 2003
11 : June 2003
10 : December 2002
9 : June 2002
8 : October 2001
7 : June 2000
6 : August 1999
4 : September 1998
3 : June1998
2 : January 1997